Saturday, 12 October 2013

Travel Declaration

Dear Parents,

Please make travel declarations for 
  • PSLE Marking Days (14 Oct - 20 Oct 2013) inclusive of Hari Raya Haji on 15 Oct 2013
  • Deepavali (2 Nov - 4 Nov 2013)
  • Year End School Holidays (18 Nov - 31 Dec 2013)
Thank you very much.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Homework 11 Oct

Classroom workbook Pg 161 to 170
Parents to sign 156

Homework booklet pg 93 to 98

School is closed from 14 to 18 Oct.

E-learning exercise in MCOnline and Learnology.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

E-learning exercise 14 Oct to 18 Oct

Pupils have been assigned E-learning homework in MConline and Learnology.

Pupils need to log into these system over the next week to do the work.

For Kungfu Maths, it I'd a trial system from a vendor. The vendor said it would available next week. I did tell the pupils to try it next week. Hopefully, it will be ready by then.

Can use BC to login.
Password : ptps1234%

Homework 10 Oct

Maths Workbook pg 151 to 156

English assessments for Term 4 after returning back from PSLE marking week

Dear parent/guardian,
                                  After returning back from the PSLE marking week, it will be week 6 of Term 4. The following are the assessments:
1) Week 6 Reading Passage Summative Assessment
2) Week 6 Writing Formative Assessment
3) Week 7 Mini grammar test
4) Week 7 Writing Summative Assessment

Mdm Jen Lee

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

PSS Booklet C and No school on 14/10 - 18/10

Pupils were to draw models for the booklet PSS C.  The homework is ue on Wednesday, 9 Oct.

Pupils' workbook and homework booklets were collected.

No school for the whole of the next week from 14 Oct to 18 Oct.
PSLE marking and Hari Raya Haji Holiday.

School reopens on 21 Oct 2013.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

3 October

Children's Day celebration in school on Thursday,3 October. Normal school hours

School holiday on 4 October, Friday.

Maths homework PSS C due on Monday.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Term 4 spelling list - Weeks 4 to 9

Dear parent/guardian,
                                  In case your child misplaces a copy of the Term 4 spelling list, you can get the list on the Care 6 blog done by Mdm Yar  the Care 7 facebook group done by Mr Lim. The underlined word/words and sentences will be the ones tested in the spelling.
Week 4 - 11 Oct
1. The bird uses its beak to catch worms.
2. A cheetah has black spots on its body.
3. Frogs can leap very high.
4. Let us compare the two animals to see which is taller.
5. The stork has a long beak.
6. An ostrich lays the biggest egg.
7. A flamingo has long, thin legs.
8. Cover your mouth when you sneeze.
*Week 5- 18 Oct - no spelling PSLE markin week
Week 6 - 25 Oct
1. The piano is at the corner of the living room.
2. The snake hissed when it saw its enemy.
3. "I want my mother," sobbed Sally.
4. The vase fell to the ground and broke.
5. The train passed through the dark tunnel.
6. The man is pushing his bicycle up the hill.
7. The water is flowing under the bridge.
8. You are always on my back.
Week 7 - 1 Nov
1. The next day, Poggy Frog called a meeting.
2. Roy drank a big glass of water because he was thirsty.
3. My parents stroll in the park every evening.
4. We had a wonderful time at the party.
5. The four animal friends shoo the cows away.
6. The boys skedaddle when the big dog comes running towards them.
7. A big cow came to a pond to drink.
Week 8 - 8 Nov
1. There is a park near my house.
2. There is a shark in the sea.
3. I am using this telescope to see the stars in the sky.
4. John is cycling around the park.
5. The sky is dark at night.
6. We will be having a surprise birthday party for Father.
7. There is  fish in the bowl.
8. Mother bakes a cake in the oven.
Week 9 - 15 Nov
1. The king celebrated his birthday yesterday.
2. He had forty-six candles on his cake.
3. The cook prepared the king's favourite dishes.
4. The fireman uses a hose to put out the fire.
5. The queen huffed and puffed and waggled her head.
6. The gardener squirted water on the candles and they went out.
7. The king and queen live in a castle.
With regards,
Mdm Jen Lee