Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Maths Homework 28 August 2013

Homework Book Pg 49 -52

The teachers are collecting the Reply Slips for Order of Refreshment during PSLE days. (26 Sept - 1 Oct).

School hours are as usually.  7.30 a.m.  - 1.45 p.m. (Mon & Tue) or 1.15 (Wed to Fri)

Tuesday, 27 August 2013


School Holiday

6 September is a School Holiday.

PSLE Order Forms for 26 Sept to 1 Oct

The school has arranged for the canteen operator to supply the following to ensure pupils have some food to eat during their recess during these four days.  Click here to see the food that would be provided.

Please response and let your child return the slip.  A nil return is needed.

If you are interested in ordering, please attach $4 with the reply slip.

Curriculum time is as normal. 
 7.30 a.m. to 1.45 p.m. (Mon & Tue)
7.30 a.m. to 1.15 p.m. (Wed to Fri)


Please let your child log into MConline or Learnology as often as possible.  There are good practices there.


8 pm races in Learnology

The school is organising school-based 8 pm race on every Wednesday.  The top few pupils will win themselves small token.  Participate now.

Travel declaration For September Holiday (6 September to 15 September 2013)

Dear Parents, 

Please log into MConline to declare your Travel Plans. 

 A "Not travelling" declaration is required. Thank you.


     UserID : Your Child's BC
     School : PTPS
     Password: mconline
School Admin
Travel Plan (new)


Thank you.  Thank you for the 5 parents who have already done so.

Saturday, 24 August 2013

New Class rule _ No Going to Book Shop

Pupils are not allowed to go to the bookshop unless their parents give written permission in their handbook.

Pupils have been buying not important stuff from the bookshops.

Maths Homework 23 August 2013

Maths Homework book Pg 43 - 48

Friday, 23 August 2013

4 picture composition formative assessment will be held in Term 3 Week 9

Dear parents,

                   We have finished conducting the Mini Grammar test for this term and after marking, most of the students in Care 6 are weaker in the grammar section and the comprehension open-ended questions section. Most students need help with the use of the correct tense based on the time phrase. Students had difficulty with inferential questions. Please look through your child's paper when it returned for parents signature on 26 Aug. 

                   For term 3 Week 9 (26 Aug to 30 Aug), we will be conducting the 4 picture composition in school. I will be teaching them with an example first in their MLEA book before administering the formative assessment. 

Mdm Jen Lee

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Maths Homework 22 August 2013

Maths Workbook Pg 81-82
Please complete all corrections.

Monday, 19 August 2013

Lion Befriends' Donation Pledge Cards

Please let your child bring to school for submission to Mdm Yar or Mdm Jiang.

Thank you.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Lions Befrienders Donation Pledge Cards

The pupils were given a Lions Befrienders Donation Pledge Card.

Will be collecting the card back on 19 August, Monday.

Please seal the envelop after totaling the amount of money and writing the amount at the bottom of the Pledge Card.  

No door-to-door canvassing allowed.

Thank you for your support.

No school on Thu and Fri

This Thursday and Friday are PSLE Oral exam.  P1 to P5 pupils are not to come to school.

See them on Monday.

Summative Assessment on Mini grammar test in Term 3 Week 8 from 19-23 Aug

Dear parents,
                   The level teachers will be conducting the summative assessment on mini grammar test in Term 3 Week 8 (19-23Aug). As there will be no school on 15 and 16 August, please take the time to go through grammar items like singular/plural form and past/present tense with your child/ward. I will be giving some grammar homework over the weekend.

Mdm Jen Lee
Pei Tong Primary School
15 Clementi Ave 5
Office:6777 5458
Fax: 6778 9784

"Music has the power to evoke the human spirit and emotions"

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Thursday and Friday 8 Aug, 9 Aug, 15 Aug & 16 Aug

There will be no school on 
8 Aug (Thu) Hari Raya Puasa
9 Aug (Fri) National Day 
15 Aug (Thu) PSLE Oral Exam
and 16 Aug (Fri) PSLE Oral Exam

Wear red on 7 Aug.

Bring small bag, water botte and a storybook.

School dismisses at 10 a.m. on 7 August, Wednesday.

Monday, 5 August 2013

to bring flute on Tuesday for Music

Please remember to bring flute on every Tuesday.

Travel Declaration

A hardcopy of the Travel Declaration for 8 August to 11 August was given to all pupils.  Please fill in if online declaration has not been done.  Thank you.

Some pupils have not returned the early dismissal form.  A second copy was given to them.